Compliance and Complaints

Life in close proximity to one’s neighbors can give rise to disagreements among residents about appropriate conduct.  Policy Resolution No. 6, Rules of Conduct for Using Units and Common Areas, provides sensible guidelines for residents’ behavior.  It is not the responsibility of Management to police the community.  In cases of a dispute among residents or between a resident and the Association, the standards of conduct in Policy Resolution No. 6 will be used to resolve the situation.

First Step   Try first to work out a complaint with your neighbor.  If a face-to-face initial discussion would be too uncomfortable, a resident could slip a note beneath the door, or send a note via US mail, or make a phone call.  Most problems are either solved or considerably ameliorated in this informal manner.

Second Step   If the problem persists, the resident should make a record of what the problem is, how often it occurs, and the initial attempt to rectify the matter.  A second attempt at an informal solution should be made, but this time the resident should provide the alleged violator with:  (1) a written description of the problem, and (2) a copy of the section of Policy Resolution No. 6, Rules of Conduct for Using Units and Common Areas and any other resolution, rule, or Bylaw that is allegedly being violated.  The resident should retain a copy of the second communication.

Third Step
   Ask Management for help.  If the problem is still not resolved, the resident should send a copy of communications with the alleged violator to the Community Manager.  The resident should include the name and address of the alleged violator and the name, address, and daytime telephone number (and email address, if appropriate) of the resident making the complaint.

Role of Management and the Covenants Committee in Disputes   From this point on, Management will act in accordance with Policy Resolution No. 4, Special Resolutions: Violations of the Condominium Act, Condominium Instruments, Rules and Regulations, or the Book of Resolutions.

Management will contact the alleged violator and try to determine whether a violation is taking place.  If so, Management will attempt to resolve the situation informally.  If the dispute cannot be resolved informally, the issue will be sent to the Covenants Committee which will also attempt an informal resolution.  If the dispute continues, the Covenants Committee will hold a hearing.  If the hearing does not produce a solution, the Covenants Committee will make a decision that may include assessing a fine on a violator (or a unit owner if the violator is a tenant), denying a violator the use of one or more common elements (e.g., pool, barbecue area, etc.), order entry into the violator’s unit (to stop the violation or inspect for such things as required carpeting and padding, pets, etc.), eviction of tenants, or seeking injunctive relief and/or damages.  Covenants Committee decisions may be appealed to the Board of Directors.

If you have questions, call the office at (202) 966-9780.

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