Changes to Units

Minor Changes to the Unit

In general, minor changes in a unit can be made at the discretion of the unit owner (tenants must first get the permission of the unit owner).  Minor alterations include painting, new lighting fixtures, and the like.

Major Changes to the Unit
Major changes, however, must be presented to the Covenants Committee for its approval.  The committee meets regularly and recommends that unit owners submit plans for its review before proceeding with any alteration in their units that would:

  • relocate boundaries between adjoining units, subdivide a unit, combine units, relocate interior walls or doorways;
  • make changes to electrical wiring that would affect another unit or the common elements or increase the electrical consumption of that unit;
  • make a change in the plumbing system that would affect another unit or the common elements or increase the water consumption of that unit or the common elements or interrupt common water service or drain systems;
  • install more than one washer/dryer, range/oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, or heat pump;
  • add or change locks on a door (locks may, however, be rekeyed; be sure to provide a copy of the new key to the condo office);
  • affect the exterior of the unit.

For complete information, consult Policy Resolution No. 7, Rules for Alterations or Additions to Units or Common Elements.  To submit your plans to the Covenants Committee, use the “Alterations or Additions to Units or Common Elements” form.

If you have questions, call the office at (202) 966-9780.

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